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In the article that you read at this time with title Lean Manufacturing Methods to Gain an Edge Over the Competition, We have prepared the best article for you to read and take the information inside. Hopefully the contents of Article 5S, Article kaizen, Article lean manufacturing, We've written this you can understand. Well, Happy reading..!!
Title : Lean Manufacturing Methods to Gain an Edge Over the Competition
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Lean Manufacturing Methods to Gain an Edge Over the Competition
There is no single strategy for success in business.The success is achieved by organizations putting their best methods and principles into practice.
Among many strategies of successful business, Lean management is an outstanding tested strategy introduced by the Japanese. Lean management principles when applied and brought into practice inside the production walls of a factory, it is called lean manufacturing.
Lean manufacturing is a set of production practices – such as 5S, KAIZEN, JIT etc. – which emphasize on the reduction of waste and wasteful activity in the production system at all stages from procurement to delivery. Anything which does not gain customer value is deleted at every level.
There are many tested methods to implement lean manufacturing, and depending on the suitability, capability more than one technique can be implemented. This may compound the results.Source: Wikipedia |
Lean manufacturing methods:
Simple design & System: Keeping the workflow and processes defined, short and simple ensures error free and quick production lines. The workforce follows the order in simple structures better than a complicated flow which may lead to time lapse and errors.
Work organization: Work organization can be achieved by implementing the 5S method. The 5S comprises of sorting, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain.
- Sorting: Required things are assorted and labeled. this step eliminates the unnecessary things and processes which are not needed,
- Set in Order: The tools and processes are organized as per the workflow necessities; this will also avoid any backward process.
- Shine: Tools are placed in right place and are ensured with cleanliness and in working condition.
- Standardize: The standards for sorting and setting in order is attained, documented, communicated to the workforce to make it a routine practice.
- Sustain: Inspections are conducted regularly and standards are enforced.
Continuous flow: the Continuous flow of production line is very important for the overall effectiveness of manufacturing. A thorough plan must be done to maintain continuous workflow. Root cause analysis, bottleneck analysis, level planning is the measures taken to maintain continuous workflow.
Visual feedback charts: Most of the manufacturing floors or noisy and hence oral communications may lead to miscommunication and is not encouraged. Instead, visual displays are followed to announce the status of the workflow. Plan Do Check and Act – PDCA is practiced to flow visual feedback. If the chart depicts bottleneck or maintenance requirement at specific point of the process it becomes easy to address the issue immediately.
Source: rwlyall.com |
Just in Time: Pull dependent processes can be implemented with this effective technique of JUST IN TIME, wherein the inventory is procured just in time to start the production. Quantity is planned on order rather than the forecasted demand. Thus, avoiding unnecessary hoarding of inventory and finished goods. This is not suitable for push-based manufacturing.
Kaizen(continuous process): Lean manufacturing is a continuous process, the processes, methods, tools etc.must be continuously evaluated, upgraded with necessary changes. Decisions should be made by data and managed by facts and the success of anything is achieved only when it is worked out in a team it should not happen that everyone’s responsibility is no once responsibility. It is believed that big success is achieved by best raises and small changes accumulated over a period.
Overall efficiency: It is a measure of production/ Equipment efficiency by percentage if the score is 100% means the production cycle was 100% efficient – Defect free, optimum quantity, with absolute downtime. Poka Yoke is a process which aims at zero defects.
Root cause analysis: To ensure permanent elimination of problem, root cause analysis is followed which is more effective than finding a temporary solution. A root cause analysis focuses on resolving the underlying problem instead of applying quick fixes that only treat immediate symptoms of the problem. Major six attributes which cause the problem is production floor.
- Breakdowns
- Adjustments
- Small Stops
- Reduced Speed
- Startup Rejects
- Production Rejects
Recent years have been much more challenging for implementing lean manufacturing techniques due to increased variety and specification in the product line. As customer satisfaction gained importance their expectations have also raised and there is a constant demand for change. Advanced technological innovations also pose a problem.however, it is not impossible.
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